Início Famosos Queen Elizabeth II says Covid-19 left her ‘very tired and exhausted’

Queen Elizabeth II says Covid-19 left her ‘very tired and exhausted’


The 96-year-old monarch, who tested positive for coronavirus in February, discussed her experience in a video call with staff at a London hospital.

British Queen Elizabeth II revealed that she was “very tired and exhausted” after her recent Covid-19 crisis.

The 96-year-old monarch, who tested positive for coronavirus in February, discussed her experience in a video call with staff at an east London hospital on Wednesday.

Katherine Copperfield will pay a visit to the reality show this weekend. During the video call with the Royal London Hospital, the queen said that the illness “makes one very tired and exhausted, God bless our royalty, and give him health. We will be back soon with more news about his health.


Sandy Correia 



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