Início Artigos Científicos Universal Electromagnetic Matrix (Prime Number Pattern)

Universal Electromagnetic Matrix (Prime Number Pattern)


In search of a solution of how the numbers and their patterns came about, a universal pattern was found making a fusion between Nicolas Tesla’s multiplication map, with his remarkable phrase “If you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3,6 and 9 you would have the key to the universe”; with the representation of a structure by Albert Einstein that he says is “the true essence of the Universe”; Newton with his theories of colors and also the Fibonacci Sequence which he says is “the secret code of Nature or Divine sequence” thus creating a new extended graph that was called Universal Electromagnetic Matrix, as it applies to practically several tests, since particle formation to chemical and astronomical bonds, as this part is not completed, in this article we will talk about how the matrix pattern was found, how it can favor us towards technological evolution, in addition to the importance of a new method of sending and processing data as , with better understanding of this matrix, all cryptography as we know it can be cracked. The best way found to prove the Matrix was finding the pattern for locating the prime numbers, thus making their locations easier and faster, in addition to generating new numbers with magnitudes and speeds never seen, but also making a possible solution on how we can improve and advance towards technology from a new computational method, using electromagnetic waves of colors, exponentially increasing our speed power in sending and processing data, enabling the creation of an interactive artificial intelligence in the
medium, with the purpose of solving various problems. Our problems more
assertively and quickly.

Key Word: Universal Matrix, Artificial Intelligence, Prime Number Pattern


Marlon Fernando Polegato, no student ties at the moment.



  1. Olá..sou o Marlon, autor do conteúdo..agradeço a todos se deixarem suas opiniões e sugestões..e se gostarem do conteúdo por gentileza compartilhem.. pois só Deus sabe a dificuldade da divulgação científica não só no Brasil como no mundo.. infelizmente a informação tornou-se um produto muito caro onde poucos tem acesso.. obrigado ao jornal tribuna e também ao site e a todos que estão lendo


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